Welcome to the SPARC Portal — Advancing bioelectronic medicine through open science!

Our vision: Integration of Data, Knowledge, Computational Modeling, and Spatial Mapping for the peripheral nervous system will greatly advance scientific understanding and will deliver significant impacts for clinical medicine.

What Can I Do with SPARC?
Browse, View, and Get Data and Models
Freely use curated experimental data, protocols, and models of the autonomic nervous system.
View 2D and 3D Anatomical Maps
Discover relationships and datasets with interactive connectivity maps featuring different species.
Create Computational Pipelines
Connect to the o²S²PARC platform to build and explore modeling and data analysis pipelines.
Include SPARC in your proposals
2023 NIH Data Sharing Policy is in effect now. Requirements are met when your grant includes SPARC.

Resources & Datasets
Here is a resource you might be interested in:
SPARC FAIR Codeathon
SPARC codeathons are focused on projects which use SPARC data and/or SPARC tools and resources in novel ways.
View All Tools & Resources
Contributed datasets from the Zixi Jack Cheng lab, as highlighted in the new SPARC Story
Topographical mapping of sympathetic postganglionic innervation of the mouse heart
Anatomical mapping of sympathetic efferent projection to the mouse heart
View All Datasets

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Open Office Hours
Join one of our weekly office hours to ask questions and learn more from the SPARC Data Resource Center Team.